Man accused of burglary at RTÉ journalist’s home is in hospital, court told

Accused allegedly robbed John Kilraine with knife in Dublin house

RTÉ journalist John Kilraine

A 38-year-old man charged with taking part in a knife-armed aggravated burglary at the home of RTE journalist John Kilraine was unable to attend a court hearing because he is in hospital.

The incident is alleged to have happened in the Christchurch, area of Dublin city-centre, in the early hours of December 2nd, 2014.

Michael Royal, with an address at Benmadigan Road, Drimnagh, was arrested by gardaí from Kevin Street Garda station following the alleged incident.

His case was adjourned for four weeks.


Mr Royal faces charges of aggravated burglary at John Dillon Street while in possession of a knife, theft of Mr Kilraine’s car, and two counts of dangerous driving on the morning of December 2nd.

One count of dangerous driving related to an alleged incident at Francis Street in Dublin and the other at nearby Dean Swift Square.

He had been granted bail and was due in to appear at Dublin District Court on Tuesday.

However, when the case was called, defence solicitor Matthew Kenny told Judge William Hamill his client was unable to come to court because he is receiving medical attention. Prosecuting Garda David Houlihan said he has made enquiries and confirmed the man is currently in St James's Hospital.

He said a file is about to be sent to the office of the DPP and Judge Hamill agreed to adjourn for four weeks.

He also ordered disclosure of prosecution evidence, which includes statements, to the defence and said that some progress could be made on the next date if a decision is made that the case can be dealt with at district court level.

He said the Mr Royal’s case will be listed for the DPP’s directions to be conveyed and possibly a plea to be entered.

Mr Kilfraine (54), who joined the RTÉ staff in 2003, has been a news reporter for more than 20 years and has been RTÉ's Dublin correspondent since November 2011.