Couple face trial for providing false information to Gsoc

Sharon and Edward Stokes, from Co Longford, yet to indicate how they will plead

A man and a woman from Co Longford are facing a trial over accusations that they provided false information to the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (Gsoc). Photograph:  Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times.
A man and a woman from Co Longford are facing a trial over accusations that they provided false information to the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (Gsoc). Photograph: Nick Bradshaw/The Irish Times.

A man and a woman from Co Longford are facing a trial over accusations that they provided false information to the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission (Gsoc).

Sharon and Edward Stokes, of the Cottage, Ferskill, Coolarthy, appeared before Judge Bryan Smyth at Dublin District Court on Tuesday.

It followed an investigation by Gsoc which later applied for court summonses to be served on the husband and wife.

They are both accused of knowingly providing false or misleading information to Gsoc on February 5th last at the watchdog’s offices on Abbey Street Upper in Dublin 1.


The offence is contrary to Section 110 of the Garda Síochána Act 2005 and the case will be dealt with at district court level.

Counsel for the pair applied for an order for full disclosure including CCTV evidence, which State solicitor Michael Durkan said was available.

Judge Smyth ordered the couple to appear again in court in six weeks in order to indicate a plea.

Legal aid was granted after statements of their means were handed into court. Judge Smyth noted that Mr Stokes was unemployed but was not in receipt of social welfare. He asked how he was gettoing by.

Mr Stokes said he was finding it difficult to get work. Counsel said Mrs Stokes was in receipt of a domiciliary carer’s allowance in relation to a family member.