Cowen warns of complacency over North deal

TÁNAISTE BRIAN Cowen warned about complacency on the 10th anniversary of the Belfast Agreement.

TÁNAISTE BRIAN Cowen warned about complacency on the 10th anniversary of the Belfast Agreement.

It was important to recognise the anniversary, he said.

"I ask this House, and everyone involved in politics, not to make the assumption that now that the institutions have been put in place, we are seeing the full implementation of the agreement as a result.

"Too often the hard part of setting up the institutions, as difficult as that is, can hide the fact that there is much work to be done in order to implement the spirit of the agreement as well as the letter.


"In fact, the quality of its implementation is dependent upon the spirit of the agreement being embraced by all."

Mr Cowen said it was the House's role, quite apart from its responsibilities under the agreement, to work hard to find ways of dealing with the real problem which existed in the North: the divisiveness and unfortunate sectarianism which was still part of how business proceeded.

"I will add quickly that the politicians are committed to the implementation of the agreement, but it is for society in Northern Ireland generally, and indeed for us in the Republic, to reassess our views on how we can be more open and tolerant so that others may not be so defensive towards us.

"This is in the interests of political progress in line with the agreement and on the basis of consent and peaceful progress.

"Addressing these issues in all areas of Ireland - we must not exempt ourselves from succumbing to that sort of thinking from time to time - is the best tribute we can pay to all of those who, 10 years ago, had the courage of their convictions and signed up to the agreement."

The Tánaiste was replying to Sinn Féin Dáil leader Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin, who said it was appropriate to commend all who played their parts in helping to bring about the agreement, and who had worked for the implementation of the hope and promise therein over the period of years since.

"There is clearly, to paraphrase a common quote, a lot yet to be done in that regard."

Mr Ó Caoláin said he hoped that in the Tánaiste's term as taoiseach he would employ increased energy in seeking to ensure the full implementation of the agreement's promise as quickly as possible.

"The all-Ireland charter of rights, the all-Ireland parliamentary forum and the consultative civic forum are the subjects of a number of promises contained within the agreement."

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times