Cowen defends new medical card

There would be no extra workload involved for GPs in administering the new medical cards, and the only difference is that they…

There would be no extra workload involved for GPs in administering the new medical cards, and the only difference is that they would "be signing a different form", Minister for Finance Brian Cowen told the Dáil.

He called on the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) to sit down with the Health Service Executive and the Department of Health and agree "the small operational details" for doctor-only medical cards to allow patients to visit their GP but not receive free prescriptions.

"The Government has made the decision, as we are entitled to do, to provide for an additional 200,000 doctor-only medical cards for these people and it is incumbent on everyone to sit down and ensure the operational details are put in place immediately," he insisted.

The Opposition raised the issue following the decision by the IMO to refuse to operate the new card. Labour leader Pat Rabbitte claimed that Minister for Health Mary Harney had made a "shambles" of the system because of "her lack of preparation and lack of work" on the issue.


Mr Rabbitte called on the Government to "revert to its commitment to introduce 200,000 additional medical cards" given the decision of the IMO to refuse to operate the system. Ms Harney had "come up with the bright idea for 200,000 yellow pack cards on the basis that no legislation was required and that she had the support of the IMO. She then found out that she had to legislate."

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times