Couple sought over Galway murder

GARDAÍ INVESTIGATING the murder of a young north Galway man in the city earlier this week are still trying to locate a couple…

GARDAÍ INVESTIGATING the murder of a young north Galway man in the city earlier this week are still trying to locate a couple who may be able to help them with their inquiries.

Supt Tom Curley said his team had received a “good response” to the publication of a CCTV image of the man and woman.

Gardaí believe that Kieran Cunningham (20), of Slieve Finn, Co Galway, was the victim of a random attack in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

The unusual decision to make available the CCTV-captured image of a couple in the area at about the same time was taken to expedite inquiries.


Mr Cunningham, a staff member of Hughes’s supermarket in Claregalway, died from extensive blood loss and trauma following multiple stab wounds sustained minutes after he left the Karma nightclub near Eyre Square at about 2.11am on Wednesday.

He was found by friends minutes after the assault at Williamsgate Street, and was rushed to University College Hospital, Galway, where he died several hours later. A team of 40 gardaí are working on the investigation, and examining CCTV footage provided by businesses in the area.

Joseph Fahy, a close friend of Mr Cunningham, paid tribute yesterday to the hospital staff and to the gardaí in their response. Mr Fahy said he was at home at the time, and received a call at about 3am from one of the group of friends who had been out in Galway city with Mr Cunningham.

“The lads who were with him said the gardaí were on the scene within seconds and didn’t wait around for anything,” Mr Fahy told Galway Bay FM.

“They just got him to hospital straight away to give him the best chance and eight or nine doctors were working on him. When I got to the hospital in Galway, his parents were there and his close friends – his friends wouldn’t leave him – and we were all just hoping and praying that he’d pull through.

“He would never start any trouble and he would be the first to walk away from it,” said Mr Fahy.

Gardaí are anxious to hear from anyone who may be able to give information in confidence at 091-538000, or on the Garda confidential line at 1800-666 111.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times