Council investigates illegal dumping of fridges

South Dublin Co is investigating how nearly 700 fridges ended up at halting sites on the Nangor Road and Lynch's Lane in Clondalkin…

South Dublin Co is investigating how nearly 700 fridges ended up at halting sites on the Nangor Road and Lynch's Lane in Clondalkin.

The pods in the back of the fridges had been removed causing dangerous cfc gasses to leak into the atmosphere.

A spokesman for the county council said the matter was under investigation but refused to comment further.

A major retailer is understood to be helping the council with their investigation.


Meanwhile, local Fianna Fail TD, Mr John Curran, called on the Gardaí to investigate the situation.

"While the action of South Dublin County Council in removing the fridges and pursuing those responsible is welcome, there has been a long running problem in the area and it must be ended now," he said.

"Clearly those responsible for the dumping of the fridges on Nangor Road and Lynch's Lane have no regard for the local community. The illegal dumps are not only a danger to young children, they are pumping harmful gasses into the environment."

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times