Consultants defer strike after Travers upheaval

The fallout from the Travers report has produced an unexpected benefit for the Department of Health after consultants decided…

The fallout from the Travers report has produced an unexpected benefit for the Department of Health after consultants decided to defer strike action due to the "administrative upheaval" caused by its findings.

The Department's secretary general, Michael Kelly has been moved from his post following the publication of the report into illegal nursing home charges.

In a statement, consultants represented by the Irish Medical Organisation, said that current administrative upheaval in the Department coupled with the decision of the Irish Hospital Consultants Association to defer strike action contributed to the decision. The IMO said it planned to review the situation on May 13th.

IMO director of industrial relations Fintan Hourihan told ireland.comsaid that while no meetings were scheduled with Department officials he intended to schedule one as soon as possible.


It is the second time the IMO has deferred industrial action. A final decision on industrial action was deferred from March 7th, until today.

In a statement today the IMO Consultant Committee said that following contacts with the Department and the Health Service Executive last week it had been agreed not to carry out industrial action next week. The IMO will review the situation on May 13th.

According to the IMO consultants remain concerned about the proposals from the Department and intends to pursue these in discussions with officials.

Consultants believe that a letter from the Minister for Health Mary Harney saying that no consultant would left without in by the State does not fully represent verbal assurances given by the Minister.

Mr Hourihan said that this was one of the key issues to be discussed. He added that pending resolution of this issue the IMO will not take part in talks on a new consultant's contract.

The IMO is also considering a response to the Health Services Executive on non-indemnity matters including new pensions rules, changes in the Health Act, 2004 and the delay in establishing the Review Body on Higher Remuneration.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times