Constituencies unlikely to be changed - Roche

The Government is not going to redraw electoral constituencies based on preliminary census figures, the Minister for the Environment…

The Government is not going to redraw electoral constituencies based on preliminary census figures, the Minister for the Environment Dick Roche said today.

Mr Roche said the Attorney General, Rory Brady, had advised the Government that constituencies can only be revised on the basis of final Census figures.

"Preliminary figures cannot constitutionally be used to revise constituencies," he added.

Mr Roche said that he expects the final Census figures to be published in February or March of next year at which time he will establish a Constituency Commission to report to the Dáil on the issue within six months.


The Government sought the Attorney General's advice after recent preliminary census figures showed huge disparities in the representation in some constituencies and a population increase of up to 21 per cent in some areas.

The Minister made his comments at the launch of an intensive 3-month advertising campaign to improve the accuracy of the Electoral Register.

The campaign will feature commercials on all major television and radio stations as well as a poster campaign and advertisements in the national press.

"Individual citizens also have a role in helping their local authority: the campaign will encourage and guide people to ensure that they are correctly on the Electoral Register and will be able to vote on election day," Mr Roche added.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times