Child Support Bill is passed

A proposal to allow courts in Northern Ireland to withdraw driving licences from parents who refuse to pay child support has …

A proposal to allow courts in Northern Ireland to withdraw driving licences from parents who refuse to pay child support has been criticised by the leader of the Women's Coalition.

Ms Monica McWilliams was speaking as the Child Support, Pensions and Social Security Bill was debated in Stormont yesterday.

"There are huge concerns here that I believe have human rights implications. Removing the driving licence from individuals is extremely punitive," she said. She feared that parents who lost their licences could lose their jobs.

The Social Development Minister, Mr Maurice Morrow (DUP), said the Bill would simplify the existing system. "Mothers and their children will get what they are due and get it quickly."


Dr Ian Paisley (DUP) welcomed the Bill as a "definite step forward". He said he had "never found an agency that acted more like a Gestapo" than the Child Support Agency. The Bill was passed.

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times