Call on Sinn Féin Minister to resign

The Sinn Féin Minister for Regional Development, Conor Murphy, yesterday became the first member of the Northern Executive to…

The Sinn Féin Minister for Regional Development, Conor Murphy, yesterday became the first member of the Northern Executive to be urged to resign.

Fred Cobain, Ulster Unionist chairman of the committee that shadows his department, demanded he step down, claiming the minister had reneged on a commitment to hear the committee's views before putting his proposals on water charges to yesterday's meeting of the Northern Executive.

Water charges was one of the key issues of the Assembly elections. They have been deferred for a year but the Executive must now decide how to finance necessary improvements to the North's poor sewerage and water system in future years.

Mr Cobain said Mr Murphy gave his committee an undertaking that he would seek its opinion before consulting the Executive on the way forward.


He said his committee faxed a copy of its findings to the minister at 6pm on Wednesday but Mr Murphy ignored its report.

"He has gone back on his word and he should consider his position as a minister," he said. The SDLP's John Dallat supported Mr Cobain in his complaints.

Mr Murphy rejected the resignation call, arguing that the committee's suggestions were submitted a week late. He accused Mr Cobain of engaging in "city hall" politics and grandstanding.

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times