Call for 'positive view of ageing'

A "total lack of imagination" has characterised the provision of services for older people, the charity Age Action Ireland has…

A "total lack of imagination" has characterised the provision of services for older people, the charity Age Action Ireland has said.

Mr Paul Murray, communications manager with the organisation, was speaking as Positive Ageing Week got underway yesterday.

"We seem to have this Pavlovian attitude in this country that, once a person gets old, they go off to a nursing home. And that has informed Government policy," he said.

"It is beginning to change. There are beginning to be alternatives in State-provided care, but it's people stabbing at it. It's all pilot projects. When people ring us looking for information, the first thing we have to ask is, 'Well, where do you live?' It's all about whether you're lucky enough to live in a progressive health-board area."


Positive Ageing Week, which runs until Saturday, aims to put forward a "positive view of ageing". "We want to get past the thing where, when someone gets older, people say: 'Ah, hasn't he had a good innings?' It's an important part of life and a stage people should live to the full and enjoy," Mr Murray added.

The week will be formally launched this afternoon by the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, and the Minister with responsibility for older people, Mr Ivor Callely.

Further details on Positive Ageing Week available from Age Action Ireland on (01) 475 6989.

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland is Social Affairs Correspondent of The Irish Times