Burren appeal decision today

Today, after a nine-year conflict, the Mullaghmore saga reaches an end with An Bord Pleanala set to announce its ruling in relation…

Today, after a nine-year conflict, the Mullaghmore saga reaches an end with An Bord Pleanala set to announce its ruling in relation to visitor facilities in the Burren National Park.

The board is due to decide on an appeal against Clare County Council's decision to refuse planning permission for visitor facilities at Mullaghmore, stating that the various parties were to be notified by post on Friday.

A board spokeswoman confirmed on Friday that the 10-member board had made its decision on the appeal by the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Islands, Ms de Valera.

Father John O'Donoghue, one of the members of the Burren Action Group, which has fought a campaign to prevent visitor facilities being sited at Mullaghmore, said: "I think it is a seminal judgment and will be a landmark decision for the future of the Irish landscape. I am hoping and praying that it will be a good decision." Father O'Donoghue is one of seven action group plaintiffs who lost a Supreme Court appeal last week over a costs award made against them in a 1994 High Court case.


Mr Seamus Kelly, chairman of the Burren National Parks Support Association, which supports the Minister's application, said yesterday: "Obviously we would hope for a positive outcome."

Today's decision ends a controversy that began in April 1991 when the Government announced plans to build an interpretative centre at Mullaghmore.

At the time Government agencies did not need planning permission to build developments.

However, following a High Court action by the action group in February 1993, the Office of Public Works was ordered to stop works at the partially completed centre.

The High Court ruled that the OPW had acted ultra vires and could not, as was previously believed, be considered exempt from the requirement to seek planning permission for its developments.

The Government appealed the planning element of the ruling to the Supreme Court, which was rejected in April 1993.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times