Bord na Móna to create 91 jobs

Two government ministers from Fine Gael and Labour jointly announced today that Bord na Móna is to create 91 new jobs as part…

Two government ministers from Fine Gael and Labour jointly announced today that Bord na Móna is to create 91 new jobs as part of a €6 million Research & Development investment over the next three years.

Speaking at a press conference in the peat board's headquarters at Newbridge, Co Kildare, the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton said:

"Cleantech [clean technology] is a sector which we as a government are targeting for support, as we believe Ireland has distinct advantages and the capacity to be a pioneer in this area. Many people have talked about the potential of the sector.

"Today's announcement is about providing concrete supports to a large, successful State company to create real, high-end jobs in the sector. If we are ambitious and if we act decisively, I believe that we can create large numbers of jobs in this sector and I am determined to see that through."


Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte said: "This jobs announcement is a welcome boost for Newbridge and the Midlands region but it is also important as it represents significant Research & Development investment in one of Ireland's most important firms.

"I congratulate the management team for their ambitious plans to redefine this historic company. Bord na Móna is an integral part of Ireland's heritage and this investment in innovation ensures it will be integral to Ireland's future as an innovation nation."

The announcement is part of Bord na Móna's innovation programme that has already seen recruitment commence for 20 high-tech positions, which are expected to be in place by March 2012. The 91 jobs announced today are in addition to these 20 positions.

Enterprise Ireland is supporting the work of the Innovation Division of Bord na Móna in a number of high-technology growth areas such as Clean Technology and Carbon Reduction.

Also today, Bord na Móna announced a new strategy to collaborate with and mentor start-ups and Small and Medium Enterprises in the Midlands region and have appointed an outreach development manager.

Bord na Móna chief executive, Mr Gabriel D'Arcy, welcoming the support from Enterprise Ireland stated: "This is an important development for our company as we transition to a more sustainable company moving away from peat-based activities into operations centred on clean technology."

The 20 jobs currently being recruited are skilled and graduate positions in business, science and IT. The additional 91 jobs will be in R&D, engineering, science and business and will comprise graduate and skilled positions.

Deaglán  De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún, a former Irish Times journalist, is a contributor to the newspaper