Barron nominated to be judge to Supreme Court

THE Government has nominated Mr Justice Henry D. Barron for appointment by the President to be a judge of the Supreme Court.

THE Government has nominated Mr Justice Henry D. Barron for appointment by the President to be a judge of the Supreme Court.

He is the first member of the Jewish faith to be appointed to the court. He has served 15 years on the High Court bench.

Mr Justice Barron was nominated by the Government yesterday to fill the vacancy which will arise on March 14th when Mr Justice John Blayney retires.

Aged 68, Mr Justice Barron was educated at Castle Park School, Dalkey, Co Dublin; St Columba's College, Rathfarnharn,; Trinity College Dublin; and the King's Inns.


He won a moderatorship in legal science at TCD and was called to the Bar in 1951. He took silk in 1970. He specialised at the Bar in chancery and commercial law.

He was appointed to the High Court in March 1982. He is married with four children.

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy

Geraldine Kennedy was editor of The Irish Times from 2002 to 2011