Aran to get wind-powered desalination plant

The first wind-powered desalination water plant in the State has been completed and tested off the coast of Galway.

The first wind-powered desalination water plant in the State has been completed and tested off the coast of Galway.

Costing just over £1.7 million, the plant is intended to provide an additional source of water supply to Inishmaan during the peak summer months.

The plant has been completed but not commissioned due to seaweed building up around one of the outlet pipes. Wind turbines were included in the project in a bid to keep down running costs.

Funding for the project was secured from a combination of sources including the Comhair Cumann (the Island’s co-operative), Galway Co Council and the Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands.


A new date of mid-September has been set for commissioning the plant.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times