I observed a jackdaw on a neighbouring chimney from which thick smoke was pouring. The jackdaw with wings spread was prancing about in the smoke and on six occasions jumped on to the edge of the chimney pot where it was almost hidden by the smoke. It seemed to be having a great time!
D. O'Reilly, Oldcastle, Co Meath
It is likely that the jackdaw was getting rid of some parasites in its feathers. If it was a female bird which had been hatching on her nest she could have had the bird or louse fly, Ornithomyia avicularia, among her feathers, and the smoke would dislodge them. Eye on Nature had a similar report a few years ago. Edited by Michael Viney, who welcomes observations sent to him at Thallabawn, Carrowniskey PO, Westport, Co Mayo, email viney@anu.ie