Ahern to push for Yes vote on Lisbon

TAOISEACH BERTIE Ahern intends to play "an active role" in the campaign for a Yes vote on the Lisbon Treaty for EU Reform, even…

TAOISEACH BERTIE Ahern intends to play "an active role" in the campaign for a Yes vote on the Lisbon Treaty for EU Reform, even though he will have resigned as head of Government by the time the referendum takes place.

Speaking at a joint news conference in Government Buildings with president of the European Parliament Hans-Gert Pottering, Mr Ahern said he intended "to stay around until the end of it, to make sure we get it passed".

"It is hugely important to me that we see this passed and, even though I won't be Taoiseach in that period, I will be a member of the Dáil and will play an active role in making sure, to the best of my ability, that it is passed," he said.

Introducing Prof Pottering, who addresses the Seanad this morning, Mr Ahern referred to "the referendum on the reform treaty on the 12th of June".


Asked if this was now definitively established as the referendum date, Mr Ahern said: "I think we've all agreed now - we'll wrap it up in the next few days - on the 12th of June."

Prof Pottering said: "Ireland is a great nation. And I have always had great esteem for Taoiseach Ahern, for his service to the country. The Taoiseach's personality, combines, in a very convincing way, serving your nation, serving your country and at the same time being a committed and convinced European".

Asked if he would support Mr Ahern for the post of president of the European Council, to be established on a long-term basis if the Lisbon Treaty is ratified, Prof Pottering said: "Let's go step-by-step. I think it's always commendable to do the first step and then the second step and the priority of the priorities is now to get the reform treaty ratified."

Mr Ahern said: "President Pottering's visit is especially timely as we work here - and all of us have to work hard - on the referendum on the reform treaty on the 12th of June."

Deaglán  De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún, a former Irish Times journalist, is a contributor to the newspaper