Ahern's comments on undocumented Irish in US criticised

FINE GAEL, SDLP politicians and a leading Irish-American campaigner for immigration reform have criticised the Taoiseach for …

FINE GAEL, SDLP politicians and a leading Irish-American campaigner for immigration reform have criticised the Taoiseach for comments he made on the position of the undocumented Irish in the US.

Speaking to reporters in Washington on Monday, Mr Ahern said: "The concept of an amnesty, wiping the sheet clean, is just not on." If a new visa scheme could be agreed, people would have "to return to base" and lodge fresh applications.

Fine Gael TD Michael Ring said in a statement yesterday: "The Taoiseach has ruled out trying to agree a special deal for this group of people, many of whom have been living in America for years.

"Bertie Ahern now wants them to return to Ireland so they can apply for a new visa, which would not come into effect until next year at the earliest.


"The Taoiseach and the Minister for Foreign Affairs are not making any effort to help the undocumented Irish, even though they are citizens and need help and protection."

"It is unacceptable to tell them they have to return home. Many have been living in the US for years, and it is not feasible for them to come back to Ireland to apply for a visa which they may not even get," said Mr Ring, who is Fine Gael spokesman on Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs.

The chairman of the Irish Lobby for Immigration Reform, Niall O'Dowd, said on RTÉ's Morning Irelandyesterday that his organisation had never sought an amnesty: "What we have sought is a possible solution based on a bilateral agreement between the US and Ireland."

Australia, Singapore and Chile, among others, had concluded such bilateral agreements with the US in recent years. "We didn't see any reason why Ireland - the Taoiseach and the Irish Government - could not push very hard for a similar deal."

He added: "That's what the Irish Government agreed to pursue and what the Taoiseach was saying yesterday was that essentially they haven't pursued it."

Claiming that the Taoiseach was "totally misinformed" about the position of his lobby group, Mr O'Dowd said: "What we've been seeking is what we sought previously when we achieved the Morrison and Donnelly visas and in all those cases it is safe to say the same scepticism existed from the Irish Government at the time and yet we persisted and achieved the desired result."

Also commenting on Mr Ahern's remarks, the SDLP East Derry Assembly member John Dallat said: "The Taoiseach is in a very powerful position to influence opinion on Capitol Hill and I am astounded that he has thrown in the towel and described those who genuinely want a solution in the tone he has."

- (Additional reporting PA)

Deaglán  De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún, a former Irish Times journalist, is a contributor to the newspaper