Africa Centre to show different side of continent

A NEW campaign by the Africa Centre in Dublin aims to portray a different side of the continent.

A NEW campaign by the Africa Centre in Dublin aims to portray a different side of the continent.

The “Africa Also Smiles” poster campaign was launched yesterday to bring balance to the often negative way Africa is portrayed in the international media.

The posters carry positive images of the continent in contrast with those of famine and poverty frequently shown in the media.

Eric Yao, co-ordinator of the Africa Centre, said poverty and hunger certainly did exist in African countries but there was so much more to the continent. It was important to highlight the dignity and resilience of Africa while also telling other stories, he said.


“The Africa Also Smiles” campaign is a way of saying that there is a need for a balance in the way Africa is portrayed globally,” he said. “Some people speak about Africa as though it is a country. Africa is a continent of 57 countries and there are different sides to it. It is therefore important for its image to be put out there in a balanced manner.”

Mr Yao said the new campaign would also provide an education pack for schools so that children would grow up seeing that there was more to Africa than famine and war. “We show all the sides and we make sure there is a balance,” he said.

The centre was set up to encourage a more positive exchange between African and Irish communities and to encourage greater participation by African communities in this State.

Alison Healy

Alison Healy

Alison Healy is a contributor to The Irish Times