Adams reveals tweet side after lockout

Gerry Adams was the toast of Twitter last night.

Gerry Adams was the toast of Twitter last night.

Why? Because of a series of tweets outlining how he was locked out of his house and his efforts to gain entry.

The Twitter man tells us these are genuine tweets and not an act of cyber terrorism.

Here’s the three warbles in question – irresistibly tailor-made for gags, as the hilarious response on Twitter quickly demonstrated.


First tweet: “RG took the car. Took my house keys also. I feel an adventure coming on.”

Second: “RGs phone constantly engaged. Its getting dark. Wud climb in back window but downpipe broken.

Finally: “RG traced. Where are u now when we need u? 70 miles away. I’m in now. Starving. Need a glazier. Slan.”

Oh, the irony! So many possibilities!

By the way, the RG he mentions is Sinn Féin veteran Richard McAuley, Gerry’s spokesman and his long-time associate.

Miriam Lord

Miriam Lord

Miriam Lord is a colour writer and columnist with The Irish Times. She writes the Dáil Sketch, and her review of political happenings, Miriam Lord’s Week, appears every Saturday