22 food recalls since January - FSAI

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has investigated 80 safety issues with individual food products since January, a …

The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) has investigated 80 safety issues with individual food products since January, a seminar heard today.

Of those 80 cases, 57 required action including, in 22 cases, the recall of products from the marketplace.

Similarly, food businesses that attempt to conceal potential health hazards will face severe penalties
Jeffrey Moon, Food Safety Authority of Ireland

Over a third of the total cases (35 per cent) related to chemical hazards found in food products, while a quarter (26 per cent) were microbiological in nature. The FASI also said 11 per cent of the incidents related to labelling and only 4 per cent to foreign bodies found in food products.

The seminar was hosted by the FSAI to warn food business operators of their legal obligations when it comes to recalling unsafe food from the marketplace.


According to the FSAI food businesses are obliged to comply with procedures for withdrawing and recalling unsafe food from the marketplace, as well informing consumers publicly on any potential health hazards relating to food they may have purchased.

In the event of a food incident, businesses must contact the FSAI, inform the general public and remove the product from the market that could be a health risk.

Speaking at the seminar, Jeffrey Moon of the FSAI said: "Lack of knowledge of these procedures will not be accepted as an excuse; the industry is legally obligated to be fully up to speed on current procedures.

"Similarly, food businesses that attempt to conceal potential health hazards will face severe penalties," he added.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times