#2,000 lodged in account weeks after alleged bribe

Mr Tony Fox lodged £2,000 to his bank account just weeks after Mr Frank Dunlop alleges he gave the politician a bribe for the…

Mr Tony Fox lodged £2,000 to his bank account just weeks after Mr Frank Dunlop alleges he gave the politician a bribe for the same amount, the tribunal has heard.

The sum was lodged on July 2nd, 1992.

Mr Dunlop has alleged he paid the councillor £2,000 near Conways Pub at some time between June 12th and June 29th of that year.

This was just after Mr Fox supported a failed attempt to rezone the Paisley Park lands at Carrickmines.


However, Mr Fox, who denies receiving any money from Mr Dunlop, said the lodgement was a transfer from his wife's account.

He said the money was transferred to enable him pay for central heating by cheque. He said his wife didn't have a chequebook. She had had "an accident", for which she was awarded £9,000.

Mr Pat Quinn SC, for the tribunal, pointed out that the debit from the account of Mr Fox's wife was for £2,600, not £2,000.

If the transaction had been a transfer of money from his wife's account, if would have been for £2,600. Mr Fox said he took exception to what counsel was saying. "Are you trying to say there was something untoward?"

Mr Quinn asked why Mr Fox's wife hadn't used a bank draft to transfer the money.

"Why do you do anything?" replied Mr Fox.

Judge Alan Mahon said it appeared from the numbering of the transactions that the lodgement of £2,000 had been made before the withdrawal of £2,600.

Mr Quinn said the tribunal was checking this matter with the bank. The witness described as outrageous an allegation by Mr Dunlop that Mr Fox undertook to "look after" other councillors on the Paisley Park rezoning.

"I've never lobbied anyone on the council in my life," he said.

He couldn't recall Mr Dunlop ever asking him to support any proposal. "I didn't need Frank Dunlop or anyone else to tell me what was needed in the community."

Asked why Mr Dunlop would have allegations about him, Mr Fox suggested that it was because the lobbyist was "doing nothing" for his clients and needed to justify to them that he was doing some work.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.