The closing date for entries to a new awards programme to recognise media literacy in Ireland is approaching, with entries set to close on February 10th.
The Media Literacy Ireland Awards are designed to raise awareness of the importance of media literacy, acknowledging the existing media literacy work in Ireland and fuel the development of new initiatives across Ireland.
Entries to the awards close on February 10th. The awards are open to projects and organisations across Ireland from projects in national schools such as Safer Internet Day to libraries providing training, to campaigns carried out by online platforms, broadcasters and commentators.
The awards consist of four categories: best youth-led media literacy intervention, best media literacy intervention; media literacy media champion; and MLI member special contribution.
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“With the MLI Awards we want to celebrate what we have already achieved in Ireland, shine a light on best practice, and encourage even more collaboration across the country and among the wider MLI network.”
Details on how to enter can be found at