My Holidays

Peter Moore - travel writer

Peter Moore - travel writer

What’s your earliest holiday memory?

A family cruise around the south Pacific. I remember boiling mud pools at Rotorua and my dad trying kava in Fiji. But my abiding memory is the little red boxes that lined the corridors on the first few days as passengers found their “sea legs”.

What was your worst holiday?


I don’t think a holiday has really begun until something goes wrong, so I’ve never had a worst holiday. I got pickpocketed at a urinal in Temple Bar, but got my camera flash back and a great story out of it too. The guy was standing next to me and when I felt my pocket get lighter I grabbed him. He protested that he didn’t like men, making out I was coming on to him, but let the flash drop on the floor.

What was your best holiday?

The overland journey from London to Sydney. It had a bit of everything: adventure in Mostar and Afghanistan; quiet contemplation in the Golden Temple, Amritsar; and big nights out in China, Thailand and the Northern Territory. My trip around Italy on an old Vespa was pretty special too.

If budget or work were not a restriction, what would be your dream holiday?

My dream holiday is picking a point A and a point B, and then wandering between them, seeing what fate has in store. If budget were no restriction, I’d just go further and for longer. The west coast of Africa appeals to me and I’ve an ambition to wander around the countries of the former USSR.

If you had your pick, who would you bring on holiday with you?

I usually prefer to travel alone. It’s much easier to go with the flow and the local loonies are more likely to approach you if you’re alone. But when my daughter is older, I’d like to travel with her, show her the ropes and introduce her to the world.

What’s your favourite place in Ireland?

I had a lot of fun on Ireland’s Eye off Howth. I caught a little fishing boat out there with friends and kicked back in the sun. The seabirds started dive-bombing us, but that’s what made it so memorable.

Your recommended holiday reading?

I like to pick through the swap shelves in hostels and hotels. You occasionally come across some gems. I found my first Charlie Connelly book, Attention all Shipping, in a hostel in Scotland.

Where will you go to next?

I just knocked off my 100th country – Luxembourg. Next I’m appearing at a festival in Nairobi.

* Peter Moore's books, The Wrong Way Home, Swahili for the Broken-Heartedand Vroom with a View, have been re- released as ebooks on Amazon.

In conversation with GENEVIEVE CARBERY