Go Kids

Bernice Harrison on alternatives to movies and the mall

Bernice Harrisonon alternatives to movies and the mall

Rathbeggan Lakes

Dunshaughlin, Co Meath, 01-8240197, www.rathbegganlakes.com

Take the kids fishing: it could be the start of a new hobby or just a peaceful back-to-nature day out. At Rathbeggan Lakes Family Parks and Angling Centre kids are supplied with everything they need to get fly-fishing, including a rod and bait. The lakes are stocked with rainbow trout, and although Rathbeggan quite sensibly doesn't guarantee you'll go home with a fishy dinner, the price for three hours' fishing includes two fish - if you catch them. There aren't too many rules except to try to be quiet and not to throw stones. The angling doesn't depend on the weather: fish don't mind a bit of rain, and if everyone dresses appropriately neither will you.


The complex has a coffee shop, but bring your own sandwiches and flask for a real fishing experience.

Wellies, even if it isn't raining.

€2 to get into the Rathbeggan Lakes complex, and €15 for three hours' fishing.

Necessary only if you're bringing a big group, such as for a fishing birthday party.

If someone's fishphobic Some kids just can't sit still long enough to fish, so take them off to Rathbeggan Lakes' pet farm or well-equipped playground.