Have you read the World’s Best News?

Inside Out: as part of an action day around the European Year for Development Dochas launch a special print edition of their “good news” paper

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As part of an action day around the European Year for Development, Dochas, the umbrella body for development NGOs, took to the streets to deliver a special print edition of the World’s Best News – an ongoing media campaign to highlight positive stories from the developing world.

Hundreds of volunteers took part in the action, designed to inspire change in our thinking around developing countries, but also to highlight the impact Irish aid has on developing countries’ economies.

The first copy of the newspaper was delivered to Dublin’s first citizen the Lord Mayor, Críona Ní Dhálaigh, at its launch Thursday morning at the Dublin City Council buildings. The message of the event was that ‘No one can do everything. But everyone can do something’, a message developed in response to recent research conducted by Dochas which indicated that while Irish people want to do something to make a difference in the world, the majority feel powerless to enact change. Also present at the launch was Hans Zomer, director of Dochas, Mbemba Jabbi, director of the Africa Centre and representatives of development NGOs.

Content in the newspaper included a front page editorial by Neven Mimica, EU Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, features around women, technological change and the media, as well as a focus on practical action Irish citizens can take to build change. But it’s not all good news. The underlying meassage from development agencies, Zomer explained, is that Irish aid matters and that they are using the action day to call on the goverment to honour its promise on overseas aid.


The event continues in Merrion Square on Thursday night as volunteeers and organisations team up with Happenings (an outdoor events group) for a special outdoor screening, live music and activities for families. Proceeds from the event will go towards organisations helping to support refugees from Syria.

The European Year for Development 2015 is designed to be a year to celebrate the power of ordinary people to make a real difference locally and globally. The organisations involved are attempting to change the way people in Ireland think about, talk about, and act on global issues. According to Hans Zomer, telling positive human stories of development in the World’s Best News is considered a key part of this.

World's Best News hereOpens in new window ]

Dochas and the European Year for DevelopmentOpens in new window ]