Former 007 renews his bond with the folks back home

THE SOCIAL NETWORK: Pierce Brosnan was at Trinity College Dublin on Wednesday evening to speak to the university’s drama society…

THE SOCIAL NETWORK:Pierce Brosnan was at Trinity College Dublin on Wednesday evening to speak to the university's drama society, DU Players. Paul Testar, the current chair of Players, conducted the interview. The former Bond then received the honorary patronage of the society, to a standing ovation.

Brosnan was accompanied by his mother, May, and spoke about his childhood in Ireland and his career in film. He remembered going to the Palace cinema in Navan and how “bedazzling” he found the world of film.

He told the students they were privileged and said he still acutely felt the shortcomings in his education. “You can’t let that knock you down. It’s just there and you have to find your own path through it.”

Among his next film projects is November Man, an espionage movie by the production company he formed with Beau St Clair, Irish DreamTime. “I thought I might as well go out there and have a crack at it again. The stage is big enough for Daniel and myself.”