My Running Life: Jeanette Keane

When did you start running and why?
I started running when I was at primary school in Toronto – I was about nine or 10. But I had to give up training when I was about 13 as my ballet classes took up my after-school time. I started up again when I was dancing professionally as it was an excellent way to stay in shape, cardio-wise, plus I really enjoyed it.

What has been your biggest achievement?
I came third in my age category in my first 5k road race. I didn't stay for the awards ceremony as I left straight after it to go to ballet class so I didn't know I'd been placed until the next day.

What's the one thing you'd change about running?
Remove all the uphills in races.

Where's your regular run route?
I generally run through the War Memorial Gardens, over to Chapelizod and cut in to the Phoenix Park to do a lap around the perimeter. If I want to get a hill in, I'll go down to Strawberry Beds and up in to Castleknock.


What's your regular training schedule?
I do a long run on Sundays, followed by about three runs during the week; these vary in length depending on how much time I have. I do at least one of my runs pushing my baby girl in our Baby Jogger. I also do Pilates and yoga.

What are you training for?
I'll be doing the Dingle half-marathon at the start of September. I had a baby this year so I'll be thrilled to be in decent enough shape to run this great route.

What do you wear on your feet?
A motion-control runner by New Balance.

Have you any niggly injuries?
Not at the moment, thankfully.

What's on your iPod when running?
I am listening to The Lumineers, The Thrills and The National.

What's your most embarrassing running moment?
This may be more sad than embarrassing: I ran a race in Ottawa, Canada with my running group. I somehow ended up in the medical tent, then couldn't find my way back to the hotel we were staying in. I wondered around the city for ages in the rain.

Have you a favourite running book?
What I talk about when I talk about running by Haruki Murakami.

Have you ever been chased by an animal?
Yes. I was in west Cork, where it is all just back country roads, so not many cars in sight. I saw a large dog ahead of me, then heard it growling. I stopped and started to walk and panic. No one was around. The house the dog was guarding was empty. The dog was barking and would not let me pass, never mind approach its house. Thankfully I had my iPhone and called my husband to rescue me. A passing car stopped to help while I was waiting (the dog was climbing up on to me at this stage); and even when waiting in this car the dog was trying to get into it.

Have you a favourite running tip?
Drink lots of water. Stretch and wear shoes that suit your needs.

Jeanette Keane is general manager of Ballet Ireland, The National Ballet of Ireland.