Health gem

If you do one thing this week... keep exercising, for your brain

If you do one thing this week . . . keep exercising, for your brain

It’s pretty obvious that exercise can have a positive effect on your heart, lungs and muscles, but here’s another reason to keep those workouts pumping: it can be good for your brain too.

A review paper in the Journal of Applied Physiology, which trawled through studies on the effects of aerobic and resistance training on the brain in non-pathological populations, found the signs point to physical activity supporting brain health.

“Whereas research has focused primarily on the benefits of aerobic exercise in youth and young adult populations, there is growing evidence that both aerobic and resistance training are important for maintaining cognitive and brain health in old age,” write the authors.


“While all exercise might not be painless or provide the ‘easy fix’ to enhance brain and cognition across the lifespan, there is ample evidence to support it is one of the most effective means available to improve mental and physical health.”