Kathryn Thomas: Why I love to . . . run outdoors

"I love how you can explore a new city or national park with just your runners"

Kathryn Thomas: "I am not a competitive runner, I run to clear my head."

Kathryn Thomas
Presenter and founder of Pure Results fitness retreats

I know people think it can be boring but I love running outdoors. I am not a competitive runner, I run to clear my head. So, I pick a run for my mood – if I want to be energised, I will run in the city in the morning buzz. Another run will bring me through the Phoenix Park. Sometimes I run with loud AC/DC music, sometimes I only want the sounds of nature.

From years of travelling so much, I love how you can explore a new city or national park with just your runners. It gives you such freedom. I do my Manhattan run along the Hudson River every time I go to New York.

For me, it’s important to be outdoors. I love the gym but being outside is special and rejuvenating – it restores the soul. We spend too much time indoors these days. So much of what I do every day involves being around people, which I adore. But running is my quiet time. It’s my personal space. It’s being able to disappear. It’s that quiet and solitary nature of running – if you choose it – that I love. I run with my partner but, if I’m honest, mostly I prefer to run by myself.