Boris and David have landed us in an Eton mess so why not make the most of it? Try Donal Skehan's strawberry, raspberry and rose water Eton mess for the day that's in it. Click here for recipe
Paul Hollywood's raised pork and egg pie. The 100 grams of lard is really the key ingredient here. Click here for recipe.

Lilly Higgins: Coronation Chicken. Since we're going back in time, try this 1970s dinner party fare, it's a delicious and a healthy way to use up leftover EU regulated roast chicken. Click here for recipe
A German cake for an English princess. This Battenburg cake is as British as you can get (because it's actually German). Click here for recipe
Beef Wellington. Most likely named after the guy who saw off the French. Let's see how well they fare this time. Click here for recipe.