A delicious pumpkin dish perfect for Halloween season

A seasonal twist on the classic tomato feta bake, incorporating pumpkin and black rice

Roast pumpkin and feta rice bowl

Pumpkins are not just for carving Jack O’Lanterns, they’re delicious too. Never before has there been better availability of a variety of pumpkins. My local farmers’ markets have had all sorts of gourds, squash and pumpkin piled high for the past few weeks.

Even my local supermarket has several different varieties including the one I’ve cooked today. I’ve used a small, dark orange Uchiki Kuri that has a smoky, chestnutty flavour. The flesh can be quite dry inside too, so it’s good for baking with.

Golden Hubbard is another similar-looking little pumpkin with bright orange skin and it stores really well, so you can use them as seasonal decorations around the house then whip them into a delicious soup. Crown Prince Squash is another I love the look of for its pale, blue-green exterior and bright orange flesh. It tastes more like sweet potato and is so versatile.

If you can’t source small pumpkins then the ever-present butternut squash will do.


Highly nutritious

I’ve used Italian black rice for this recipe. It looks so dramatic and the water turns a dark, bubbling, purple colour as it cooks. With Halloween on the horizon it’s very seasonal. It’s highly nutritious and a great source of fibre, antioxidants, minerals and protein.

The rice is substantial as a result and ideal for advance meal prep. It tastes good hot or cold. I tend to cook a big batch, then dip into it over a few days. It’s perfect as a base for a rice bowl, as I’ve done here, or you could add a handful to soup. I sometimes add it to a salad, dress it in lime juice and fold through some coriander, chilli and cubed avocado, or add it to coconut milk and some demerara sugar to make a delicious rice pudding.

It’s a variety of dark, wholegrain, brown rice and has a similar nutty taste but a firmer texture. You could use wholegrain rice, barley or quinoa in this dish too.

It’s best to serve this straight from the oven when the feta is still soft. This is a delicious seasonal twist on the classic tomato feta bake that makes the most of these gorgeous gourds.

Recipe: Roast pumpkin and feta rice bowl