Are you one of the 300,000+ Irish people who emigrated since 2008?

As 10th anniversary of the recession approaches, we want to hear from readers who have moved abroad (and possibly returned)

Did the downturn prompt your decision to leave Ireland?
Did the downturn prompt your decision to leave Ireland?

As the 10th anniversary of the economic crash and the start of recession in Ireland approaches, Irish Times Abroad is looking to hear from some of the 300,000+ Irish people who emigrated over the past decade, to tell us how the recession impacted your life and where you have lived and worked since.

Did the downturn prompt your decision to leave Ireland, or would you have left regardless? Where did you go and why, how did you feel about it then, and what has life been like for you since? Have you kept a close eye on the Irish economy from afar? Is it possible to speculate on how different your life would have been if the recession hadn’t hit? Have you moved back to Ireland or are you still abroad, and if so, what are your plans for the future?

To share your story, fill in the form above. Please attach a photograph of you if you have one, or email it to

A selection of stories may be used online or in print. Thank you.