Have your say: Are you consuming less alcohol in pubs and more at home?

Research suggests that more alcohol is purchased in Ireland for consumption at home than in pubs

There has been a shift towards consuming alcohol at home in Ireland in recent years.
There has been a shift towards consuming alcohol at home in Ireland in recent years.

How people in Ireland consume alcohol is changing.

A sharp shift towards socialising and consuming article at home, sparked by the pandemic, has become more embedded with a recent report saying that the average Irish household now spends more money on alcohol for consumption at home than on alcohol in pubs and restaurants.

There are range of reasons why this might be happening, including the ongoing impact of a sharp increase in the cost-of-living.

This has, for example, seen alcohol prices in pubs increase more rapidly than in off-licences, while utilities and food items increased in price more rapidly than alcohol.


This means that although the price of alcohol has increased, it has become more affordable relative to other items.

We would like to get your views on this changing trend in socialising and alcohol consumption in Ireland, in particular if how you consume alcohol has changed in recent years.

Do you consume alcohol differently when drinking at home, and do you find yourself consuming more or less?

You can share your views using the form below. Please limit your submissions to 400 words or less and include a phone number.

If you would prefer to remain anonymous, please indicate this in your submission – we will keep your name and contact details confidential and they will only be used for verification purposes.

We will curate a selection of submissions for an article but please note we may not publish every submission we receive.