Waiting for a play in Irish

Axis and the National Association for Youth Drama are seeking expressions of interest from writers for a commission of a new play in the Irish language for youth.

Young Axis actors learn their trade

Dublin-based, Axis, Ballymun and NAYD are looking for an experienced playwright, proficient in Irish, to write a new play that would be suitable for youth theatre groups.

Programme Manager of Axis, Niamh Ní Chonchubhair, said that: “Self and creative expression in Irish is constantly evolving, particularly amongst young people. We’re seeing this a lot online, on TV etc. With this commission, we hope to respond to requests from young people and their leaders for new drama work incorporating themes and topics that are relevant to them that they can enjoy and explore through Irish.”

Friday 29th, August, is the deadline for submission. Then, beginning in September, the development process will include a three-day residential with young people who are members of NAYD. The writer will work with them and explore themes and ideas that are of interest. Info: niamh.nic@axisballymun.ie

Pól Ó Muirí

Pól Ó Muirí

Pól Ó Muirí is a former Irish-language editor of The Irish Times