The Santaland Diaries

Bewleys Café Theatre. Ends Dec 22 1.10pm €15 (includes light lunch) 086-8784001

Bewleys Café Theatre. Ends Dec 22 1.10pm €15 (includes light lunch) 086-8784001

Through a combination of fecklessness, financial desperation and adequately small stature, the humorist David Sedaris once found himself employed by Macys department store as a Christmas elf.

In an attempt to claw back some dignity, Sedaris aloofly detailed his experiences of elf training, wrangling families and fathoming his co-workers in The Santaland Diaries,since adapted for the stage by Joe Mantello. First performed last year at Bewley's, Purple Heart Theatre Company return with Patrick O'Donnell again delivering sardonic quips from the ninth circle of holiday cheer.

Such seasonal doses of anti-schmaltz have now become as much of a Christmas tradition as the regular stuff, and while it throws a lifeline to anyone overwhelmed by Cinderellas, in performance some of Sedaris’s wry comments can ring with more contempt than airiness.


Director Stewart Roche brings some things handsomely to life, though: ODonnell carrying his costume and bobble hat like a prison uniform while the onslaught of Christmas Eve comes with the same rosy joy as the grislier sections of Oliver Stones Platoon. 'Tis the season.

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Peter Crawley

Peter Crawley

Peter Crawley, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about theatre, television and other aspects of culture