The music of London freak-folkers Tunng – now in their 10th year as a band – has been used in ads and TV soundtracks, but that doesn't mean that it's just background muzak. Their fifth album is another off-kilter collection of understated swoops, pops and folk grooves with an electronic undercurrent. OnTrip Trap, vocalists Becky Jacobs and Mike Lindsay murmur over an unusual collage of instruments, their late-night breathiness making them sound a bit like The xx. They take a zippier approach on The Village, handclaps keeping time over an acoustic guitar riff, but it's Follow Follow that best embodies Tunng's methodology. Starting off as an eerie Wicker Man-esque folk homage, it bursts into life with a zig-zagging beat that is hard to pinion, but it's no less enjoyable for its unpredictability.
Download: Follow Follow, Trip Trap
Tunng: Turbines