Susannah De Wrixon: Skylark | Album Review

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Artist: Susannah De Wrixon
Genre: Jazz
Label: Self-Released

Dubliner Susannah de Wrixon will be better known to some for her work on stage and screen, and she certainly brings an actor’s instincts to her debut collection of songs, but she has a jazz musician’s flexibility and timing that make each one of them her own.

Skylark plays like a captivating one-woman show, the singer tripping lightly through an eclectic set that runs from Irving Berlin and Blossom Dearie (there's a charming version of Rhode Island Is Famous for You) to Suzanne Vega's Tom's Diner and a beautifully concise reading of For Good from the musical Wicked.

The strong supporting cast includes pianists Jim Doherty and Conor Lenihan, saxophonist Richie Buckley and guitarist Dave White, with Doherty and Buckley also contributing a delightful original, Just Another Waltz.

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin

Cormac Larkin, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a musician, writer and director