It took Marcus Lambkin a while to release his debut album after years spent DJing and producing, but 2010's From the Cradle to the Rave was an auspicious calling card. A cast including DFA cohort Nancy Whang (Do That Dance), comedian Reggie Watts (The Secret, We Got a Love) and The Rapture's Luke Jenner (Feels Real) add their voices to Lambkin's follow-up, a collection of beat-driven electronica tunes. He missteps at times, most audibly on Do It Right, where soul singer Lidell Townsend's smooth croon is treated to a heavy-handed, unsympathetic club beat. Then again, 1990s club throwbacks such as Feels Like and the video nasty undertones of Space Race are altogether more fully formed creations. We Got a Love is a somewhat mixed bag, but Lambkin still has a lot to offer.
Download: Do That Dance, Feels Like
Shit Robot: We Got a Love