Shardborne: Living Bridges | Album Review

Living Bridges
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Artist: Shardborne
Genre: Rock
Label: Out on a Limb

Metal has never been all that enthusiastically embraced by Irish audiences, but the debut album from this Limerick four-piece might win some over. These seven instrumental tracks are flooded with heavy bass riffs, furious soloing and some hugely impressing drumming by Ben Wanders. But filling the gaps in between the rock riffage are clever changes of tempo and dashes of colour and melody. Passages of Qualia could soundtrack an '80s movie car chase; the intricate Moving Magnetic North sounds almost Thin Lizzy-esque, while the thunderous, multifaceted Not That Axis is quasi-operatic. Ambitious? Undoubtedly – and Shardborne pull off their proggy vision with aplomb.

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times