Prokofiev: Violin Sonatas; Five Melodies Op 35 BIS

Prokofiev Violin Sonatas Five Melodies
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Artist: Alina Ibragimova, Steven Osborne, Serge Prokofiev
Genre: Classical
Label: Hyperion

Alina Ibragimova and Steven Osborne made a huge impression in Prokofiev at last year's KBC Great Music in Irish Houses Festival, and they recorded this disc a month later. The First Sonata opens with a movement of brooding blackness, broken by fierce tolling from the depths of the piano and scurrying violin passages, which Prokofiev wanted to sound "like the wind in a graveyard". The Second, arranged with the help of David Oistrakh from a flute sonata, is lighter, altogether more songful. Ibragimova and Osborne play both with an unwavering firmness that's a perfect match for the First, and intriguingly drains some of the sweetness from the Second. The Mélodies, Op 35 bis (originally wordless songs) are also finely done.

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan

Michael Dervan is a music critic and Irish Times contributor