Ildebrando Pizzetti's Violin Sonata in A of 1918-19 is a million miles away from the leading developments of its time, shunning them in favour of violin writing that emulates the vocal declamation of earlier centuries. The style often borders on imploration, and is sometimes set against agitated piano writing. The result is often compelling. The Tre canti, originally for cello, are more anodyne. Pizzetti's pupil, Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco achieved more fame, and his Violin Concerto was taken up by the likes of Heifetz and Perlman. The violin arrangements of his Three Vocalises have all the appeal of light encores. His Sonata quasi una fantasia is a polyglot work that wears its influences rather too openly. Shaham and Erez play them all with conviction.
Pizzetti & Castelnuovo-Tedesco: Violin Sonatas