Some music uses bells and whistles to herald its arrival; other tiptoe up behind you and insinuate itself into your subconscious with no small amount of finesse. Longford accordionist Peter Carberry boldly takes his box to new terrain to accompany Leitrim piper Pádraig McGovern. Retuning the accordion to meld with the regulators of the pipes, the pair achieve a seamless synergy that's all about the tunes and nothing to do with ego. The intimacy of the session is a difficult beast to capture in the studio, but Forgotten Gems bags the inhalations and exhalations of the bellows of each instrument, giving the listener the impression that they are eavesdropping on a private tête à tête. McGovern's clean lines give Úirchill a' Chreagáin a fresh-faced youthfulness, and Carberry's Squirrel's Nest is an impish delight. Bodhrán, bouzouki and harp are suitably low-key companions.
Peter Carberry & Padraig McGovern: Forgotten Gems