Bruckner called his Sixth Symphony his keckste, his boldest or cheekiest — it's a rhyme with Sixth in German, keckste/sechste — and he seems to have had a particular soft spot for it. In the context of his mature symphonies it's short (under an hour), and the scoring is modest, but it's full of original ideas, and its slow movement is typically glorious. Jaap van Zweden gives the impression of knowing how to let it speak for itself, with quirky, rustic humour on the one hand, and deep feeling on the other. There's a solidity in the face of oddity that serves the music very well, and the players of the Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra seem to have the idiom in their bones.
Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra/Jaap van Zweden – Bruckner: Symphony No 6
Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra/Jaap van ZwedenChallenge Classics CC 72552