Emil Mlynarski (1870-1935), the father-in-law of pianist Arthur Rubinstein, began his career as a violinist but became better known as a conductor and organiser than as a composer. His two violin concertos (1897 and 1916) are always virtuosically effective and steer well clear of the more turbulent developments of their time. The Second stands out through the colour of its orchestration, and the lively dancing of its finale is its highlight. Alexander Zarzyski (1834-1895) is remembered for his Mazurka in G, which features here in its rarely heard original guise with orchestra. In fact, the folksier the music on this disc, the better it sounds in Eugene Ugorski’s alert performances. url.ie/4qdb
Mlynarski: Violin Concertos Nos 1 & 2; Zarzycki: Introduction et Cracovienne; Mazurka in G