What are you most looking forward to at Light Colour Sound? We're looking forward to checking out the other bands – some of our favourites are there. Plus, the festival seems to have a really vibrant production team and ethos, so we're looking forward to the spread they're gonna lay out for all the revellers!
What do you expect your backstage rider to consist of? Beers, soggy sambos and a half-eaten Marmite baguette.

What would you ideally want your backstage rider to consist of? A box of left-handed frogs and some Buckfast.
If you found a rolled-up bunch of €20 notes on the festival site, and if no one saw you pick it up, what would you do with the money? Possibly find a savvy production manager and put him/her wide; defo would not hand it to security. Buy six gin and tonics . . . Two each!
You're mid-set and the electricity goes – what do you do? Synchronised double back flips concurrently until the power returns.
What's the most annoying thing about playing festivals? Security lemmings not knowing where they are or how to direct you to the artist car park.
Want to plug anything? It's free! Our album is available on iTunes, CD Baby, in Tower Records and the secret record shop. It also can be found at
How long have you been doing the spoken-word thing, and what exactly will you be doing at Light/Colour/Sound? I've been performing for almost a decade now – that sounds like I jump out of poetry cakes, but I don't! I'm on stage on the Saturday, so I'll perform poems from my new collection, The Radio was Gospel. And I'll be pontificating about things that irritate me. There'll be humour too.
Who are you most looking forward to seeing? I love summer festivals for catching up with my poeterati pals. I'm looking forward to hearing their new material (and stealing it). Love Wallis Bird, too.
As a spoken-word artist, who would be your main influences? Charles Bukowski, Joni Mitchell, Bob Dylan, Pablo Neruda, Sylvia Plath, Sojourner Truth, Bernadette Devlin, Adrienne Rich, Fleur Adcock, Samuel Beckett, James Joyce, Myles na Gopaleen and Dean Swift. Why? Because of their truth.
What would be on your dream backstage rider ? A bottle of Maker's Mark, crushed ice, a hot tub, smelling salts, sugared white almonds, Steven Gerrard, a spray tan booth and mini-bowling.
When you eventually get to write your autobiography what is the title of it going to be? Never Ask Permission.
What are your must-bring accessories at open air festivals? Wellies, loo roll, whiskey in a catheter, face paint, a map, a tin whistle, Tic-Tacs, sun cream, layers of clothes, a dog in a bag, a wheelbarrow, a fussy Celtic name, a performer's pass. And my husband.
What makes listening to some poets a very boring experience? Their ego. Their inward focus,
And what makes listening to some poets an amazing experience? Their ego. Their outward focus.
What's your favourite limerick? This limerick by the wonderfully outrageous Dylan Thomas: There was an old bugger called God Who got a young virgin in pod This disgraceful behaviour Begot Christ our Saviour, Who was nailed to a cross, poor old sod
You've been hiding away these months, writing songs – how is that going? Yes, I've been working away, making as much music as possible. The new Jape album has been mixed by David Wrench and is finally finished. Other than that, I've been doing remixes, and a new project, Dimman, with my friend Matthew. I've also got a solo album written and will probably record it this year. I make a lot of music that I don't release because I like to learn about the process and get better.
Do you prefer "boutique" festivals to the larger ones? I enjoy playing festivals in general, so I don't really have a preference. People at festivals tend to be happier than usual, and it's nice to stroll around meeting people and watch other bands, etc. I really like people-watching at festivals.
What's the most annoying thing about playing festivals? We have quite a complicated live set-up, and when we play festivals sometimes the changeover is quite fast so it can be pretty stressful setting up our stuff in a short period of time.
Do you hang around after your festival gigs? If it's possible we'll hang around – it depends if there's anyone we want to see or if our friends are hanging out. If we hang out we just try to make time disappear the best we can.
What was the first open-air festival you went to? And was it good times to be had, or a bummer, man? It was actually a Féile, a Trip to Tipp – one of the last ones, I think. It was the pits; all of my friends got backstage passes except me, so I was wandering around aimlessly trying to talk to people. I remember drinking a two-litre of cider in 10 minutes and sobbing uncontrollably when everybody sang the "tasty and tempting" Supermacs ad. I left the next morning on the 7.30am train.
The Light Colour Sound Festival takes place in Shankhill Castle, Kilkenny, July 4th-5th, 2014
One of the largest showcase festivals for up-and-coming Irish music talent located in the – yes! – garden of Ireland. Featuring Enemies, I Draw Slow, John Cummins, Elastic Sleep, Land Lovers and more. Blessington Lakes, Co Wicklow, July 25-26.
Largely Irish line-up in a gorgeous part of Co Cork – small festivals such as this can only benefit from the absence of Oxygen and the like, with non-Irish headline acts such as Public Enemy, White Lies and Tom Odell. Also featuring Hozier, We Cut Corners, The Minutes, Damien Dempsey, Walking on Cars, Sultans of Ping, Lisa O'Neill. Deer Farm, Mitchelstown, Co Cork, August 1-3,
Ireland's oldest primordial oak woods, a 17th-century castle, good music – what's not to love? Featuring Gruff Rhys, O Emperor, Vann Music, Buffalo Sunn, Daithí, little xs for eyes, Liza Flume, Sleep Thieves, The Pale. Charlevile Castle, Tullamore, Co Offaly. August 1-3,
LE CHEILE Cool, low-key, all-Irish festival located in one of the neatest small towns in Co Meath. Featuring Hot Sprockets, Riptide Movement, Ryan Sheridan, Gavin James, Heathers, Codes, Corner Boy. Oldcastle, Co Meath. July 31-August 4.