Kate's Party would be the first to tell you that, today being today and all that, it isn't easy admitting to influences such as Weezer, Angels and Airwaves, Placebo, Jimmy Eat World, Paramore and Alkaline Trio. And yet there's a spirited approach from this Dublin trio, a resilient attitude, a gung-ho, storm-the-barricades feck-off to those detractors who would deny them their stab at success. There's certainly reason to applaud the band for sticking to their collective guns. Songs such as
Paper & Glue, Bike for Three, Hallenbad, Welcome to Seahaven
Picture Me
conjure up visions of sweaty, arena-sized triumphs should the dice roll the right way. And that, really, is what
boils down to: there's talent to burn here and music performed with suss and crackling energy. What happens next is anyone's guess. In the meantime, let's party. katespartyband.com
Hallenbad, Welcome to Seahaven
Kate’s Party: Hollow