Fort Romeau: Insides | Album Review

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Artist: Fort Romeau
Genre: Electronic
Label: Ghostly

It's always interesting when a producer moves away from their usual patch. Michael Greene's Kingdoms debut was a fairly routine affair, an album of house templates stacked and buffed to order.

Here, though, it’s his inquisitive approach to depth, detail and texture which hooks you again and again.

The requisite elements are all in place, but Greene’s technique means he’s favouring lush, intricate, layered compositions over the instinctive hum and pulse of a dance floor banger.

It makes for occasionally vivid, often intriguing passages as Greene goes backwards and sideways in search of inspiration for further forward momentum.


It’s still house music which is under Greene’s microscope but there’s much to be enjoyed in watching how he brings other splashes of sound into the frame. in new window ]