England's Fin Greenhall has taken the circuitous route rather than the direct, and sometimes that's exactly the way to do it. A former exponent of premier electronica – as well as being an acclaimed not-so-superstar DJ – Fink has come around to the notion that, with real songs, allow your primal influences to filter through. Hard Believer, then, generally avoids Fink's signature adroit beat/electro rhythms, and opts instead for a snagging blues-guided journey through melancholic and reflective territory. Clearly, certain events have occurred in Fink's life for him to have written such a sombre batch of songs, and if the mood takes you there's much to mull over here. So, for a lighter Fink, check out his previous albums. But if you like your blues edged with fuzzy guitar, here you go. finkworld.co.uk Download: Two Days Later, Shakespeare
Fink: Hard Believer