Broods: Evergreen

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Artist: Broods
Genre: Rock
Label: Polydor

Much of the attention garnered by New Zealand siblings Caleb and Georgia Nott’s debut album is to do with the presence of Joel Little, the producer who worked most famously with Lorde.

Whatever about the chances of Little going large on the double, there’s a lot to admire about what the Notts are capable of doing with electronic pop and indie nuances.

Aside from the great atmospheric, infectious reach of calling card Bridges, Broods have other arrows in their quiver in the shape of purring, emotional peach Mother and Father and the dramatic span of Four Walls.

Beyond this, though, much of the rest of the material here doesn’t quite grab your attention with the same force.


Little’s sonic derring-do can only go so far and the songs need to have far more strength in depth for Broods to make a more lasting impact. in new window ]